Saturday, 31 August 2019

Part - 3 SonarQube Connect with SQL Server

  1. First, you need to create a database. Add a new database and name it like "sonar".
  2. SonarQube works with various database systems. For Microsoft SQL Server is the right collation important. Pick one that is case-sensitive (CS) and accent-sensitive (AS) like Latin1_General_100_CS_AS. As see the screenshot.

  3. Click Ok, Now we check the TCP/IP protocol is enabled for SQL Server or not.
  4. Open the SQL Server Configuration Manager and expand the item “SQL Server Network Configuration”. It contains an entry “Protocols for SQLEXPRESS” that needs to be selected. Next, enable TCP/IP in the panel on the right side.

  5. Make sure that the SQL Server Browser service is running. Often it is disabled by default, however for the JDBC driver to work, it needs to be enabled and running. Open the Services management console and find the Service called SQL Server Browser. If disabled, enable it and start the service.


In the installation directory (the place where you extracted the *.zip file) you find a folder named conf that itself contains the file. Here you can configure the various parts of SonarQube. Now add the "sonar.jdbc.url" property with the database name.



Start SonarQube

In the bin folder of the installation, the directory is the start-scripts for the different operating systems. Open the one that matches your installation and execute the script StartSonar.bat to start a console that should stay open.

Open http://localhost:9000 in your browser. SonarQube should be loading and then display you an empty screen:

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